Over the last eighteen months, the Archbishops’ Commission on Reimagining Care has heard from people who are deeply involved in and affected by care and support: people who draw on care and support; caring for a loved one; working in a care home or as a domiciliary carer. Everything we heard pointed to a simple conclusion: tinkering at the edges of the existing system of care and support is simply not enough.
Too many people are not getting the support they need due to the prohibitive cost, poor access, and growing waiting lists. We need to take steps towards a future where everyone is able to access the care and support they need, no matter our wealth or income.
The whole approach to the provision of care and support is far too transactional, focused on task and time, and at the lowest price. People need to have much more freedom to shape their own care and support arrangements, trusted to make good decisions.
In our report, coming out on 24th January, we are proposing a radical redesign of how the system works in order to deliver the values-based vision that the Commission believes is the way forward. Being able to access good care and support should never depend on where you live or how much money you have.
Reimagining Care Commission member, Richard Humphries, argues that the social care system needs to be redesigned so that people are able to access the care they need and can make choices about the right support for them. You can watch his video here.
If you would like to find out how you/your organisation can get involved in the ongoing vision for Reimagined Care, please contact [email protected].