Guests & special roles

Whether you’re going to a wedding as a guest, or have a special role in the wedding party, everyone at a church wedding is warmly welcomed. With tips for the best man, bridesmaids and much more, this section will help everyone enjoy the big day to the full.

What to expect as a wedding guest

Everyone at a wedding is part of the service, whether you’re doing something specific like a Bible reading or not  – you are witnesses to the marriage and part of the couple’s married life too.

Doing a reading

There will always be a Bible reading at a church wedding and possibly other types of readings too. If you’ve been asked to read something out on the day, preparation and practice will help you read with confidence.

Being a bridesmaid

With colourful dresses, flowers and smiles, bridesmaids and younger flower girls bring a lot of the joy to a wedding celebration, but it’s a key role with particular duties too.

Being a ‘best man’

Most grooms will choose a best man (or woman) from their family or ask a close friend to support them in the run up to their wedding day and on the day itself. With a little advance planning, a ‘best man’ can help the day run like clockwork.

Being an usher

Ushers have an important role in making the wedding ceremony run smoothly. They have several duties on the day and also support the groom and best man in the lead up to the wedding.

Being a witness

All Church of England weddings legally require two witnesses so, if you’ve been asked to be a witness, your role is absolutely essential.

Praying for the happy couple

Prayers are a big part of what makes a church wedding unique. It’s not just the vicar who prays – everyone gets involved.

Welcoming children

Whether you are taking children to a wedding as guests, or your child is taking part as a bridesmaid or page boy, we welcome children!