Clergy Discipline Commission

The Clergy Discipline Commission, whose membership is set out below, is the body constituted under the Clergy Discipline Measure 2003 which has the responsibility of ensuring that the disciplinary arrangements introduced by the Measure work as fairly and effectively as possible. It does so by monitoring the exercise of discipline and highlighting and encouraging best practice.

The Clergy Discipline Commission is specifically required under the 2003 Measure to give general advice to disciplinary tribunals, the courts of the Vicars-General, bishops and archbishops as to the penalties which are appropriate in particular circumstances; issue codes of practice and general policy guidance to persons exercising functions in connection with clergy discipline; and to report each year to the General Synod through the House of Bishops on the exercise of its functions during the previous year. It is also required to compile and maintain 'provincial panels' of persons available for appointment as members of disciplinary tribunals.
