Fathers' Day blessings
On Fathers' Day we celebrate a special relationship. Whether you see your dad a lot, or if you have lots of memories of a dad you no longer see, or if you're thinking about someone who is like a dad to you, there are lots of ways to bless and remember the fatherly people in our lives.
A Blessing for Dad
If your dad goes to work, write a simple blessing or prayer on a card that will fit in your dad’s lunch box or briefcase. You might like to use your own words or something like this: ‘Dear God, please bless my dad today at work and let him know that we love him very much’. Hide the message somewhere in your dad’s lunchbox or work bag where he’ll find it later.
Take a moment to close your eyes and remember one of your most special and happy moments with your dad. Tell him about this moment and why it made you so happy. You can also remember dad with a photo of him – hold it in your hand and think of a simple prayer to help you say ‘thank you’ to God for him. Here’s a suggestion:
Dear God, thank you for my dad,
Thank you for how he has cared for me.
Thank you for all that he means to me and
please bless him today.
If you can, try learning something new with your dad. It might be a new skill like roller skating, or learning a few words of sign language, or it might be something quite ambitious like learning to play a musical instrument together. Starting something from scratch and making mistakes together as you learn is all part of the fun!
There are so many ways to get in touch these days, send a message to dad to tell him you’re thinking of him on Fathers' Day.
If your dad is not around for you, remember that you will always have a fatherly God to care for you. The Bible says a lot about this. This verse from the book of Deutronomy speaks about a God is always there, supporting us:
‘… your God, carried you as a father carries his child, carried you the whole way until you arrived here.’