"Elizabeth R.
"Whereas by Our Royal Warrant dated the Twelfth day of June, One thousand nine hundred and fifty-three, certain Forms of Prayer and Service were made for the Sixth day of February and commanded to be printed and published and annexed to the Book of Common Prayer and Liturgy of the Church of England to be used yearly in all Churches and Chapels within the Provinces of Canterbury and York:
"Now Our Will and Pleasure is that Our said Royal Warrant be revoked, and that the use of the said Forms of Prayer and Service be discontinued; and that the Forms of Prayer and Service hereunto annexed be forthwith printed and published and annexed to the Book of Common Prayer and Liturgy of the Church of England to be used yearly on the Sixth day of February in all Churches and Chapels within the Provinces of Canterbury and York.
"Given at Our Court at Saint James's the Twenty-sixth day of July, 1958; In the Seventh Year of Our Reign.
"By Her Majesty's Command. R. A. Butler."
Text from The Book of Common Prayer, the rights in which are vested in the Crown,
is reproduced by permission of the Crown's Patentee, Cambridge University Press.