6 August
Gold or White
Invitation to Confession
When Christ appears we shall be like him,
because we shall see him as he is.
As he is pure,
all who have grasped this hope make themselves pure.
So let us confess our sins that mar his image in us.
Kyrie Confession
Your unfailing kindness, O Lord, is in the heavens,
and your faithfulness reaches to the clouds:
Lord, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Your righteousness is like the strong mountains,
and your justice as the great deep:
Christ, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
For with you is the well of life
and in your light shall we see light:
Lord, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Father in heaven,
whose Son Jesus Christ was wonderfully transfigured
before chosen witnesses upon the holy mountain,
and spoke of the exodus he would accomplish at Jerusalem:
give us strength so to hear his voice and bear our cross
that in the world to come we may see him as he is;
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
Principal Service
Daniel 7.9,10,13,14
Psalm 97
2 Peter 1.16-19
Luke 9.28-36
Second Service
Exodus 34.29-end
2 Corinthians 3
Evening Psalm
Psalm 72
Third Service
Ecclesiasticus 48.1-10 or 1 Kings 19.1-16
1 John 3.1-3
Morning Psalms
Psalms 27, 150
Gospel Acclamation
Alleluia, alleluia.
Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
In the power of the Spirit and in union with Christ,
let us pray to the Father.
Lord of glory, it is good that we are here.
In peace we make our prayer to you.
In trust we confirm our faith in you …
Help us to set our faces steadfastly to where you would have us go.
Lord, look with favour.
Lord, transfigure and heal.
Lord of glory, look with favour on your Church,
proclaiming your beloved Son to the world
and listening to the promptings of his Spirit …
May she be renewed in holiness that she may reflect your glory.
Lord, look with favour.
Lord, transfigure and heal.
Lord of glory, look with favour on the nations of the world,
scarred by hatred, strife and war …
May they be healed by the touch of your hand.
Lord, look with favour.
Lord, transfigure and heal.
Lord of glory, look with favour on those in need and distress,
suffering as your Son has suffered
and waiting for the salvation you promise …
May the day break
and Christ the Morning Star bring them the light of his presence.
Lord, look with favour.
Lord, transfigure and heal.
Lord of glory, it is good if we suffer with you
so that we shall be glorified with you.
According to your promise bring all Christ’s brothers and sisters …
to see him with their own eyes in majesty
and to be changed into his likeness from glory to glory.
To him be praise, dominion and worship
now and for all eternity.
Introduction to the Peace
Christ will transfigure our human body
and give it a form like that of his own glorious body.
We are the body of Christ.
We share his peace.
Prayer at the Preparation of the Table
Holy God,
receive all we bring before you this day,
and bring us also to that radiant glory
which we see in the transfigured face
of Jesus Christ our Lord.
And now we give you thanks
because the divine glory of the incarnate Word
shone forth upon the holy mountain before the chosen witnesses of his majesty;
and your own voice from heaven proclaimed your beloved Son.
Extended Preface
It is indeed right and good,
our duty and our joy,
always and everywhere to give you thanks,
holy Father, almighty and eternal God,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
For on this day he revealed his glory
before his chosen witnesses
and filled with divine splendour
the human flesh in which he is one with us.
So he prepared his disciples
to bear the scandal of the cross
and showed that in the Church, his body,
the same glory would be fulfilled
that shone forth from him, its head.
And so with joyful hearts we echo on earth
the song of the angels in heaven
as they praise your glory without end:
Post Communion
Holy God,
we see your glory in the face of Jesus Christ:
may we who are partakers at his table
reflect his life in word and deed,
that all the world may know his power to change and save.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Christ, whose glory fills the skies,
fill you with radiance
and scatter the darkness from your path.
Christ, the Sun of Righteousness,
gladden your eyes and warm your heart.
Christ, the Dayspring from on high,
draw near to guide your feet into the way of peace.
And the blessing of God almighty,
the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
be among you and remain with you always.
Christ Jesus,
the splendour of the Father and the image of his being,
draw you to himself
that you may live in his light and share his glory;
and the blessing of God almighty,
the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
be among you and remain with you always.
By the appearance on earth of our Saviour Jesus Christ
God has broken the power of death
and brought life and immortality to light.
Arise, shine, for your light has come
and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.
For though darkness shall cover the earth
and thick darkness the nations,
the Lord will rise upon you
and his glory will be seen upon you.
By the appearance on earth of our Saviour Jesus Christ
God has broken the power of death
and brought life and immortality to light.
Short Passages of Scripture
The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light;
those who lived in a land of deep darkness –
on them light has shined.
Isaiah 9.2
Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.
Isaiah 60.1
It is good, Lord, to be here.
Matthew 17.4
Jesus spoke to them, saying,
‘I am the light of the world.
Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness
but will have the light of life.’
John 8.12
Christ did not glorify himself in becoming a high priest,
but was appointed by the one who said to him,
‘You are my Son, today have I begotten you.’
Hebrews 5.5
Common Worship: Festivals, material from which is included here,
is copyright © The Archbishops' Council 2008 and published by Church House Publishing.