Finish the project

You’re almost there. Just a few more things to do before the launch!

We can help you wrap things up and make sure the results have a lasting effect.

Download the toolkit

Report back to the funder

Some funders will want to know how you spent their money and if your project was a success.

Evaluate the impact of your project
Write the final report
Claim the rest of your grant money

Plan for the future

Make sure your church and your project are still going strong in the next 10 years.

Your business plan
Market your project
Open your doors and welcome people

The launch

Celebrate your achievements and organise a launch event.

Get someone to cut a ribbon. Take photographs. Say thank you and invite:

  • The funders and those who donated money
  • Local dignitaries and your MP
  • Everyone who volunteered or offered “in-kind” support
  • The press
  • Your bishop, archdeacon, and diocesan staff

Next steps

Enjoy your new facility. Be proud of what you’ve achieved!