The Care of Cathedrals Measure 2011 requires cathedrals to compile and maintain an inventory to assist with this understanding. The Care of Cathedrals (Amendment) Rules 2020 contains further information on the requirements for cathedral inventories.
Our guidance explains the requirements of the Measure and Rules and how cathedrals can meet them. It outlines the benefits to a cathedral and its mission of completing this task.
Download our guidance
The fundamental aim of this guidance is to enable every cathedral to compile an inventory that meets the basic legal requirements of the Measure and Rules. Cathedrals are at different stages of development and levels of aspiration for inventories. The guidance, therefore, offers different levels of information and recommends good practice for those wishing to do more or to meet museum or library and archive accreditation standards for their collections.
This guidance is not meant to be read from cover to cover, but rather to be dipped into on specific areas; as a result, it does involve necessary repetition.
There are a number of templates available to help you with the compilation and administration of a cathedral inventory.
- Cathedral Inventories Guidance (23.84 MB)
- Certification of an Inventory template (16.25 KB)
- Listing objects template (19.46 KB)
- Loans in template (22.26 KB)
- Loans out template (21.93 KB)
- Disposal template (19.92 KB)