Advice and guidance for church buildings

We offer guidance and advice on the day-to-day maintenance of your church and on how to go about making changes to your building.

If you’re interested in the support available to help church in rural areas, we also recommending visiting the Arthur Rank Centre.

  1. surveillance camera


    Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) images are used for the prevention, identification, and reduction of crime and to monitor buildings to provide a safe and secure environment for and to prevent the loss of or damage to contents and property.

  2. Chalices before a confirmation service

    Church plate

    Ancient communion vessels provide a unique continuity of worship, and you may still be using them regularly. We can help you see the signs of damage, understand their causes, and help you with tips on practical maintenance. Church plates can be kept in regular use, but the most valuable pieces should only be cleaned by a specialist.

  3. Two old graves in graveyard with tall grass

    Churchyard structures

    Churchyards display a variety of historic structures, many listed in their own right. The good management of a churchyard needs to take into account a range of issues, from the burial rights of parishioners to the wildlife management of the churchyard. 

  4. Flowers are shown in the foreground of a graveyard or churchyard with a grave stone in the background

    Churchyard Wildlife

    Advice on how to support the wildlife in your churchyard

  5. An image of a church in it's churchyard

    Climate resilient church

    Explore the kinds of changes that could help your church adapt to our changing climate, so that extreme weather events cause less harm and can be recovered from more quickly.

  6. Close up of a clock mechanism


    Our church turret clocks are often a sign of a welcoming church. We can help you keep a well-made clock working for years.

  7. Wireless broadband infrastructure in the form of wires and boxes concealled within the tower of St Michael's church, Brent Tor.


    Mobile-network and broadband technologies have revolutionised daily home and work life for many of us in recent years. And the part they play in our places of worship can be just as important. If you're interested in exploring how connectivity can serve your church, and help your church serve your community, find out what other churches have done here.

  8. Interior view of St Peters church Highfield

    Conservation management plans

    A conservation management plan is a useful tool for recognising and reconciling tensions that may come up between the necessary life of the worshiping community and the significance of the place. It helps the church and its community to rise above these tensions in order to develop and grow. Conservation management plans are likely to be especially useful to major churches and cathedrals.

  9. Stained glass window of Jesus

    Conservation reports

    A conservation report can help you and your conservator make decisions for repairing and preserving objects. Our guidance can help your conservator or other contractor to prepare a report and support your church project.

  10. Manchester cathedral window

    Contested Heritage

    We want our churches and cathedrals to be places of welcome and solace for all. Our guidance helps you to assess how, and to what extent, objects that may be symbols of injustice or sources of pain may impact on your ability to undertake activities in your church or cathedral. It helps you to work through different options that are available to address the contested nature of your heritage.